“I stared into my mother’s eyes, wishing for more words, words that never came, and I wondered, what in the world was I supposed to do with a lousy set of bongos?” ~ Zoro
“It’s no surprise that a musician of Zoro’s artistry, talent and reputation should create an autobiography as passionate, rhythmic, multi-layered and emotionally captivating as this one. But even more than that, Maria’s Scarf is the funny, touching and inspiring story of a mother whose unending love, devotion, humor and humanity in the face of countless hardships, gave her son the faith and courage to relentlessly pursue his impossible dream, and bring his gifts to the world.”
Michael Hauge

Get in Touch with Zoro
“Zoro and I grew up on different ends of the country and in different periods, but we share one huge trait in common – we are both dreamers. Another amazing parallel is that, just like me, Zoro was inspired as a kid by Frank Sinatra. Like the Chairman of the Board, both Zoro and I were blessed to live our dreams. Maria’s Scarf will inspire you to never give up on yours.”