“The Irishman in me was just brash enough to believe I could succeed. The Mexican in me was a fighter from a long line of warriors, willing to lay my life on the line for anything I was passionate about.” ~ Zoro
“We all have a destiny that is greater than the circumstances we face. But sometimes, we need to see how someone overcomes the obstacles in their life to muster up the courage necessary to meet our own. Maria’s Scarf is a portrait of courage that will inspire dreamers, both young and old. A timely immigrant story of a family pursuing the American dream. You’ll be thinking about these heartbreaking, hilarious, and harrowing adventures long after you put the book down!”
Joyce Meyer

Zoro has spent four decades performing with artists such as Lenny Kravitz, Bobby Brown, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons,
“Zoro and our lifelong customer, Elvis Presley, were cut from the same cloth. Both grew up dirt poor, passionate about R&B music and fashion. What makes them stand apart besides their talent, though, is their big hearts and adoring love for their mothers. We live in a culture that worships fame and celebrity, placing little value on the gatekeepers of our well-being. Zoro’s book pays tribute to the heroes who shaped his life in such a beautiful and honoring way that you can feel the love seeping off the pages. Elvis would have loved Zoro and this book!”